It can be downright shocking and discouraging when you spot your first strands of gray hair. Do you know what can be even more mind-blowing than that? Well, noticing a change in your pubic hair counts.
Before you start going on a complete rampage and plucking it, know that this is a completely normal thing. It is a rite of passage every human being has to experience. Our pubic hair is no different from the hair on our head in the sense that it thins and grays as we age.
Now, at what point it will turn to gray remains a question. It can be that it starts graying at the same time as your head hair does. Or, it could take its sweet time and wait for the hair in your head to fully turn gray before it starts changing color.
What can you do about it? Well, the truth is, there isn’t much for you to do. You can let nature do its job or pluck the hair. Or, you have one other option if you don’t necessarily want to get rid of it. You can dye the hair down there as well.
From Betty Beauty, you will like this one if you are a natural brunette. It will not only cover the gray but will provide a lush color that will match your head’s. The hair dye it pretty natural looking and safe for use. As safety can be one of the significant concerns, from customers’ reviews, it’s clear that the dye is safe and effective. It also has no overwhelming fragrance, which can be off-putting for some people.
From the same company, this one is for people with black locks. You will get a natural-looking black that doesn’t drip or make a mess. It will look realistic and very much like your head hair. It also enhances your hair, leaving it soft and shiny. There is also no other smell that you can be repelled by. The hair color lasts for about 4 to 5 weeks, after which you might have to touch up.
Customers enjoy this hair dye, as can be seen by how popular the company has become in a short while. It does an excellent job of covering the gray without further damaging your hair. Betty products are also ammonia and paraben-free, which is a must for hair dyes if you don’t want too much chemical in your hair. The products are also not tested on animals, which is good news for anyone that cares about animals and the environment.
If you can learn to be careful while dyeing your hair, most hair dyes are fine. You need to make sure that they are paraben and ammonia-free. These are pretty much the main ingredients that can be harmful to you.
Punky Turquoise or any product from Punky is free of both ammonia and paraben. They have a wide range of hair dye colors, alternating from usual blue to red wine to this turquoise. Which one you want to use depends on how adventurous you are feeling for the day. It’s a semi-permanent dye, so it will wash off after you have had about 12 shampoo washes.
It’s a highly pigmented hair dye. If your hair is more on the white side, the color will be quite vivid. If it’s more of a dark gray, it will have a teal-like tint. The hair dye is something you could use for head hair, which is a definite plus. It’s a relatively weightless hair dye that does an excellent job of blending and sticking to your hair. It’s not sticky or messy in any way. You need to be careful while applying it and the rest is already taken care of. It also has nourishing ingredients so your hair will be soft and silky.
This is a demi-permanent hair dye so that it will last for a long time. It is a paraben, ammonia, and PPD free hair dye. The dye has also been tested for skin allergies and asthma and it seems to be safe from all of these complications. The dye is compatible with all kinds of hair types and hair colors. You can use it without worrying about damaging your hair for a second.
The hair dye provides a rich neon hue. It takes about 30 washes to wash it all off. The best thing about the hair dye would be how it fades, though. It gradually turns into a lighter version of neon. This leaves you with a lot of time to decide if you want to use the hair dye again or go for different hair colors. You don’t need to touch it up as soon as it starts to fade. It’s also a cruelty-free product, which is always welcome.
As long as we age, our hair will turn gray one day. For some, it might happen when they are in their twenties, while others might be born with enough luck not to get the first strands before they are in their fifties.
At whatever age you get your gray hair, you can always turn the impact of it around. Your gray hair is only gray if you let it be. We live in a world with beautiful dyes and hairstyles, so why should we make a few gray strands defeat us?