If your hair is well on the path to becoming gray, it's unlikely that you will be able to return it to its natural color. At most, you might be able to use some shampoos, home remedies and make some fundamental lifestyle changes that will prevent the rest of your hair from turning completely gray just yet.
You will essentially be delaying your fate for a bit longer. If you're in your twenties, even that little bit of delay can be a blessing. One of the preventive measures for gray hair can be linked to your dietary change.
Some nutrients, such as certain kinds of vitamins, are capable of retaining the pigmentation in your hair. If all fundamental changes are made, they might even reverse the effect of gray hair. Let's take a look at some of these vitamins.
From Sports Supplements, this anti gray hair vitamin bottle has a total of 120 capsules. The ingredients used are healthy and all-natural, such as Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Zinc, Catalase, Horse Tail extract. Saw Palmetto, PABA, L-Tyrosine, Plant Sterols, Nettle Root Extract, Chlorophyll, Fo-Ti Powder, and Barley Grass Juice Powder.
All these natural ingredients have been linked to healthy hair. It combines the nutrients from all these ingredients to create a potentially powerful blend capable of preventing gray hair and even promoting natural hair color restoration. For products like these, customer review is tremendously important, and we are happy to report that the customers are just as satisfied with this.
As the catalase enzyme's lack of catalase leads to hydrogen peroxide buildup, catalase is crucial. In hair health supplements, Paba is a vitamin B nutrient that is often brought up. It was one of the first tested vitamins that showed the potential of restoring gray hair.
Vitamin supplements appear to be the obvious choice for hair health.
Reminex makes it anti gray hair vitamin formula while keeping every offense against your hair in mind. They account for the sun's harmful rays, the use of chemical products, and even the damage caused by our genetics. Reminex works to bring your hair back to life.
The supplement contains ingredients such as Vitamin B6, Catalase, Biotin, Saw Palmetto, Horsetail Extract, Sho-Wu beta carotene, and plenty of other minerals. It will restore the vitality of your hair, so it is back to its shimmery shine along with a lack of gray.
The catalase replenishment helps keep the gray hair at bay, while the Saw Palmetto Extract will strengthen hair and body. The 60 tablets are all you will need to start noticing changes. However, you will have to wait a long while to see the full transformation from the product. It's tested and made carefully with a perfect blend, and as such, it's a soft supplement. It takes its time working and doesn't produce hasty results.
The good part is that once it starts working, the improvements are visible at a rapid speed. It also has the quality of biotin, making sure hair loss is a thing of the past, and your hair thrives. The dull, gray hair is reversed to a darker color, even if it never reaches your natural color.
While HairAnew is mostly for hair growth, it has some potent vitamins and blends of biotin, which prevents gray hair along with it. A total of 11 ingredients have been selected to create the mix. These ingredients help in providing nourishment to your hair from the inside.
Thinning, hair loss is taken care of while the regrowth of hair is fastened. The supplements are useful on hair type, color, age, and whether a woman uses it or a man. The results are usually visible from one to two months, depending on how effective it is on you. The benefits should also be visible in your nails, eyebrows, and lashes.
It's a gluten-free product, and no test has been conducted on animals for it. If you are considered the ethical side of it, there are probably a few ethical supplements in the market.
The company also provides a 100 percent guarantee. You are supposed to intake two pills every day for luscious, natural hair color. If the results don't start appearing even after three months have passed, you are free to return the product.
Besides taking some much-needed vitamin supplements, it would be best if you also started making changes to your regular diet. Try to eat food that's rich in specific vitamins such as vitamin B-6, folic acid, vitamin b-12, vitamin d D, and so on.
You should also quit smoking and try to prevent your hair from catching the wrath of the sun for too long. It's advisable to start wearing a scarf and other objects that will cover your hair while you are out. When your hair is in the middle of turning gray, damage from the sun, wind, and dust will only accelerate the process.
It is assumed that gray hair can't be reversed. Some people have experienced a reversal of gray hair due to lifestyle changes. In those cases, their hair probably turned gray not because of genetics but for other reasons. So, if it's a result of something that's not genetics, your gray hair can go back to its natural state too.