Healthy Hair While Sleeping

October 9, 2019

Three tips for the lures' beauty sleep

Your hair hits the pillow, you set the alarm to waaaay to early, and then it's time for beauty sleep. And not only does your skin need beauty sleep - but your hair also needs rest to stay healthy.

You can help your hair stay healthy while you sleep. We give you three easy tips on how to give your hair the best beauty sleep right here.

Women sleep with dry hair to keep hair healthy

  1. Sleep with dry hair

professional hair styles

Your strands of hair are extra vulnerable to cracking when moist. If your evening ritual is to take a bath with hair wash shortly before putting your head on the pillow, make sure it gets dry hair. That way, you avoid slipping on your hair and keeping the silly, clipped tips for the door.

If the hair washes before bed is because you suffer from oily hair and you do not have the excess to dry your hair before bed, you might consider letting an excellent dry shampoo do it for a hair wash occasionally. That way, the dry shampoo can absorb the excess oils from your scalp while you sleep - smart, not '?

A woman sleeps with loose braid to avoid split ends

  1. Sleep with (loose!) Braids

professional hair styles

Braid for healthy hair at night ... If you rest uneasily and turn several times at night, you wear your hair - and this can contribute to worn and split tips. But if you braid one or more loose braids, you have control over the curls, and rubbing wear on your hair will be minimal. Avoid braiding too tightly on the scalp - hours of long and tight hair sets cause the hairs to work overtime and can at worst result in hair loss - gasp!

And lastly, remember that if you braid in damp hair, the tip above still applies; you should always sleep with dry hair. A bonus of sleeping with a braid made on slightly wet hair is that your hair will get the finest, soft curls when you wake up the next morning - delicious. If you are a "sucker" for curls, it might be time to try permanent curls.

A woman sleeps on satin to keep her hair healthy

  1. Sleep with silk

professional hair styles

If you don't like sleeping on braids, satin might be the solution for you. Pamper your curls with a satin pillow, and you will not only protect your hair from wear but also reduce the risk of dry and frizzy hair. Satin does not absorb the moisture in your hair the same way cotton does.

And if you don't care what you look like when you sleep, you might venture out to sleep with a satin cap ... It should benefit your hair and thus contribute to healthy hair while you sleep. Do you dare?

With these three easy tips for healthy hair, while you sleep, we wish you sweet dreams and a tasty and healthy hair.
