When it comes to mahogany hair color, you have a lot of options in terms of shades. The best decision is made after you have considered certain factors, the primary of which is choosing what best suits you.
This hair color is very trendy, and if you want to stay on top of the latest fashion, then this is your color, Period.
Your Skin Tone
Shades of red, including mahogany, are all going to look best when paired with the right skin tone. However, there is a hair color for every skin tone out there.
Here are the ranges of skin tones that complement Mahogany hair color
With every skin tone, a specific shade of red is going to work best: the shadow is meant to complement your skin tone, which is why determining the shade of red that suits your skin should be your starting point.
For instance, those with fair to light skin tones, a ginger hair color or bright mahogany hair color will work best. On the other hand, people with medium skin tones can go with a darker choice of red hair dye. How about a copper hair dye with a golden tint? People with darker skin tones can use a chocolate cherry hair color-- or better yet a plum hair dye shade as their skin tone can pull this off.
In addition to the skin tone of a person, the hair cut that they are wearing can affect how well these hair colors look on them.
For a haircut to compliment a red color take into consideration:
There is nothing that says if you have red hair, you must wear it following a specific style. However, to maximize the appeal of mahogany hair color, you must be sure to consider the cut.
For instance, for those with round faces, a more extended cut works best, while those with rectangular shaped faces will find a short haircut can help soften their face shape. In short, the shade of red which you are using can be affected by the hairstyle.
Brighter shades of red are often found to complement shorter hair, as longer hair can be a bit drastic, while the darker shade of mahogany can suit any haircut. Above all, you must also consider what your style is and what you would feel most comfortable in wearing.
Anyone can sport a mahogany hair color, and the choice for which shade to choose will vary from person to person.